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Corporate Governance

Board of Directors

The senior body of ABBank is the General Assembly of the Shareholders, which elects the Board of Directors of the bank.  The Board of Directors manages the bank and represents it in judicial and extra-judicial procedures. The current Board of Directors (BoD) consists of 9 members, i.e. three (3) Executive, three (3) Non-Executive and three (3) Non-Executive Independent Members, as per L. 3016/2002, as in effect.

The first and foremost obligation and duty of the BoD members is to continuously improve the long-term economic value of the bank and support its corporate interests. The BoD members and any third party assigned with powers by the BoD, may not pursue their own interests that conflict with the interests of the Bank.

The term of office of the BoD is five (5) years and its members are elected by the General Assembly of the Shareholders. The latter also announces any replacement of BoD members that has taken place during its tenor. The BoD members are re-electable. The President of the BoD calls its members to a meeting at least once (1) every four weeks at the headquarters of the Bank.  The minutes of the BoD meetings are signed by the President or the Vice-President or the CEO (Managing Director), or another representative who is appointed by the BoD and the Secretary of the BoD.

Board of Directors

Georgios Raounas

President, Non-Executive Independent member

Theodoros Afthonidis

Vice President, Executive member and CEO

Konstantinos Hadjipanayotis

Executive member and Deputy CEO

Anastasios Afthonidis

Executive Member and Deputy CEO

Anastasios Tourkolias

Non-Executive Μember

Lampros Theodorou

Non-Executive Μember

Marina Bouki

Non-Executive Μember

Maria Melliou

Non-Executive Independent Member

Damianos Charalampidis

Non-Executive Independent Member

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